Sunday, February 9, 2014

Off to a rocky start

 January was a bit of a bummer. Not only have we had multiple polar vortexes and freezing temperatures, but we've also been battling health issues. Poor Everett was suffering with the flu for a solid two weeks, and after researching a little bit about Tamiflu, I had to pour the $300 bottle down the drain and just hope he improved on his own. We had a couple courses of inhalers which we called "rocket ship medicine" and took lots of naps. Luckily Alice escaped unscathed, but we still all spent lots of weekends in our jammies all day, watching 101 Dalmations way too many times. Daddy was gone for a week getting himself back on his feet, which also really unsettled the kids. I guess it coincided with a phase of separation anxiety for Alice, so she spent every night the whole week awake, upset, and wanting to be held, which made for a really rough week on Mommy as well.
But we survived. 

For some reason the city didn't pick up the Christmas Trees when scheduled, so they sat out on the curb for weeks. It was really depressing to see them out there, withering away, sometimes buried under snow, frozen in ice graves and decaying for practically the whole month. Every time we passed them Everett would ask if we could bring them inside.

Pretty much the farthest we ventured out was the hamburger place a few blocks away.
Crayons, teddy bears and french fries with ketchup were pretty much the highlight of a downer of a January. 

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